Picture of Phạm  Tiến Hùng
10 Teacher Development Tasks for Web 2.0 Tools
by Phạm Tiến Hùng - Friday, 25 January 2013, 1:16 PM

by Nik Peachy - Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Over the last couple of months I've been busy travelling round a bit and doing some face to face training and workshops. As part of the materials for these workshops I created a number of tasks for teachers which I hope will help develop their ability to use technology and to evaluate and create materials using web based tools. I've decide now to share those tasks so anyone who wants to use them to train other teachers or to develop their own skills can take advantage of and make good use of them.

There are ten tasks and they can be done in any order, except for the tenth one which should be last. Please feel free to use and share these tasks and by all means leave any comments or suggestions for improvement. I will also be hosting a teacher development week using and discussing these tasks and the related tools from 7th to 15th December 2009 on the SEETA Moodle site: http://www.seeta.eu/ so by all means come along for that if you want to share ideas and learn a bit more together.

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For more tools by Nik: Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers