Picture of Phạm  Tiến Hùng
Here's Why These 6 Videos Went Viral
by Phạm Tiến Hùng - Thursday, 16 May 2013, 10:43 PM
By Seth Fiegerman

A video is never guaranteed to go viral, but a few factors make it significantly more likely.

In the first few months of 2013, viral videos covered all kinds of topics: a serious look at female self-esteem, a silly competition between two Star Trek actors, and more. But according to Brian Shin, CEO of video analytics service Visible Measures, these and most other viral videos share at least two things in common: "discussability" and "relatability."


For a video to be "discussable," it usually features something shocking or surprising, which compels viewers to share it with others. Likewise, if a video contains something deeply human to which we can relate — even if it's cuddling cats — we're more likely to share it out. The two factors often go together.

We chatted with a couple viral video experts to learn what made these clips the biggest hits of the year, so far.

Dove Experiment

Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" video is by far the most popular video of 2013 to date, with nearly 54 million views on YouTube and about 68 million views across the web, according to data from Visible Measures. That's more impressive considering the video was released only a month ago.

Shin believes a few factors played into this video's success. It's deeply human, it sparked multiple spin-offs and it shares an incredibly powerful and positive message about the way women see their bodies, which people felt compelled to share.

"The message is something you really can't be against," he says. "That's something everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon and feel good about. It's a message that can't be not shared."

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